Released in the UK March 2019
Released in the US March 2019
Trade paperback | 108 Pages
9781527102989 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL030000
Life is so confusing! There are a myriad of voices clambering for our attention – which one is the ‘right one’? Decisions, rather than being biblical, or good, or even moral, often feel like a stab in the dark, hoping for the best. This third title in the First Steps series looks at the wisdom offered in the book of Proverbs. God has not left us to navigate life as best we can alone – guidance is waiting if we only take the time to look.
Andy Prime
Andy Prime was an Associate Pastor at Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh for four years. He and his wife Sarah left Charlotte Chapel in 2014 to plant a church with 20schemes.
9781527102965 |
9781527102972 |
9781845502423 |
Andy has shone a spotlight on the life–changing truths of the book of Proverbs, made sense of them in the overall bible story, connected them to Jesus at the centre, and then parked them right where you live.
Chris Green
Vicar, St. James Muswell Hill, London and Author of 'Assemble the People Before Me: The Message of the Church'
Voices captures the inner dialogue in our heads and hearts that distract and deceive us, seeking to lure us away from Jesus. It winsomely offers life and freedom from Proverbs, helping us to see how God’s wise voice is warning and inviting us to come to him, where true joy and everlasting love are experienced.
Robert K. Cheong
Pastor of Care and Counseling, Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky and Author of 'God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline'