Released in the UK October 2018
Released in the US December 2018
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781527102330 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012130
Even good things can become idols if we give them central importance in our lives. Having children changes everything, and as mothers, we risk looking for life, purpose and meaning in motherhood. While being a mother brings its unique set of challenges, these years of raising children and helping them grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord provide an opportunity to grow in our own Christlikeness as well.
Christina Fox
Christina Fox is a counselor, retreat speaker, writer, and author of several books including ‘Tell God How You Feel: Helping Kids with Hard Emotions’ and ‘A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament’. You can find her at
9781781917282 |
9781527101401 |
9781781911556 |
This book will not only make you a better mother, it will make you a better worshipper. I heartily commend Christina’s book to Christian mothers everywhere.
David Murray
Senior Pastor, First Byron CRC, Byron Center, Michigan and author of ‘The StoryChanger’ and ‘Jesus on Every Page’
This book is a great resource for mothers who are eager to fulfill their calling to the glorify and enjoy God.
Dr. Stephen Estock
Coordinator, PCA Discipleship Ministries
Christina Fox’s heart is on every page as she longs for moms to have a right view of how God sees them. With the gentle nudge of a friend, Christina encourages women to enter into mothering from the only safe place—rest and fullness in Christ.
Holly Mackle
Author of ‘Same Here, Sisterfriend: Mostly True Tales of Misadventure in Motherhood’ and ‘Little Hearts, Prepare Him Room’
With penetrating questions, humble honesty, and gospel freedom on every page, this book will not only stretch and challenge a mother, but point her to the joy and satisfaction found in her Savior alone.
Laura Wifler
Co–Founder of Risen Motherhood