Released in the UK August 2018
Released in the US October 2018
Hardback | 40 Pages
Read to me: 4-5
Read Myself: 6-10
9781527101593 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – JNF049310
When that little voice in your head tells you that you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing, do you listen to it? Emma is a little girl whose Mommy explains to her that the little voice in her head is her conscience – a gift from God that tells her whether something is wrong or right. She explains how we can have a clean conscience because of Jesus, and how we train our consciences to work better by understanding the Bible.
Andy Naselli
Andrew David Naselli (PhD, Bob Jones University; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and lead pastor of Christ the King Church in Stillwater, Minnesota.
9781527100305 |
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Just what a parent needs to explain conscience to their kids.
Julian Hardyman
Senior Pastor, Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge
If my kids could be five years old again, I would definitely read this book to them. One of the best things about a biblically rooted children’s book is that it helps parents as much as kids. I have no doubt that will happen with this book and while you’re at it, tell your teenagers they can sit all the way across the room, but they do have to listen the first time too.
John Piper
Founder of Desiring God Ministries, Chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Good, gospel–saturated children’s books are hard to find. And even more rare is a book like this for kids that points them to the cross while teaching on the topic of the conscience. My children love this book! The first time I read it with my children it instantly led to heart–level conversations together as we considered how best to listen to our conscience as we make decisions. The imagery of chocolate chips and scraped knees kept all of us engaged and brought us into the everyday story of childhood while helping us consider the little voice in our heads. We’re looking forward to reading this again and again with our kids!
Dave and Gloria Furman
Senior Pastor, Redeemer Church of Dubai and author of ‘Kiss the Wave’ and ‘Being There’; and his wife, Gloria, author of ‘Missionsal Motherhood’ and ‘Alive in Him’
Wow! This is a great book! Andrew has done a wonderful job of bringing the concept of conscience down to level that is understandable to children. And he doesn’t just explain conscience as a concept, but explains how we can use this God–given tool to grow in godliness. What an invaluable resource for parents and teachers!
Connie Dever
Wife of Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C.