Released in the UK August 2018
Released in the US October 2018
Trade paperback | 320 Pages
9781527102095 • £8.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL006710
Read / Mark / Learn is a small group Bible study series that is designed to equip people to study God’s Word for themselves.
This second volume of studies in Luke continues on from the first volume, starting at chapter 9 verse 51, and follows as Jesus turns His attention towards Jerusalem and the cross. Each study establishes the context, aim, structure and lessons of the passage. It also shows links with the Old Testament and practical applications and suggestions. There are discussion starters and suggested questions for leading a Bible study.
William Taylor
William Taylor is the minister of St. Helen's Bishopsgate, London. Previously he was an officer in the Royal Green Jackets.
9781845503611 |
9781781919118 |
9781845503628 |
By God’s grace, William Taylor is one of our finest bible expositors today. In this volume, he studies the travel narrative of Luke’s Gospel. With meticulous attention to the context, he doesn’t lose the forest for the trees, and carefully reveals the intent of Luke as our author and theologian in his ‘orderly account’. Here is a great gift to help us mediate and delight in God’s most holy Word.
Richard Chin
National Director, Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students
What a great resource! Whether for personal study, group discussion, or for preaching, this is a wonderful guide which unpacks Luke’s message in a clear and comprehensive way, sets the story in its wider Biblical frame, highlights its themes and provides key questions for reflection and discussion. But what makes this more than a study guide (though it is first rate in that regard) are the many nuggets of wisdom, the penetrating insights, and the pertinent application for today’s disciples.
Jonathan Lamb
Minister–at–large for Keswick Ministries, IFES Vice President, and former Director, Langham Preaching
Read Mark Learn (RML) is surely the benchmark for group Bible study and William Taylor’s second Luke volume reminds us just how high the RML standard is. It provides a complete tool box for those aiming at serious engagement with the text. Context, main themes, structure, aim and focused application support the suggested study questions. I can’t imagine there is anything else in the publishing world that could match this.
Richard Cunningham
Former Director, Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), United Kingdom
Brimming with insightful exegesis, theological depth, vivid illustration and pastoral application, these two volumes are vintage Dale Ralph Davis. Whether you use them in personal devotion, or a small group, or as a preacher seeking to teach your congregation, this engaging journey through Luke’s gospel will be a very useful and edifying guide.
Reuben Hunter
Pastor, Trinity West Church, London