Released in the UK August 2018
Released in the US October 2018
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781527101777 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL109030
Sport is one of the many evidences of a gracious God. It can unite people, sharing together in the enjoyment it brings. But it brings the challenge of proper stewardship under God, especially when working with young people. Are they being encouraged to use their gifts and time to God’s glory? Are you ensuring that they are living by God’s Word, rather than prioritising their sport? There is a lot to learn about how God wants us to live through sports – both on and off the field.
John Perritt
John Perritt is the Director of Resources for Reformed Youth Ministries ( and serves as the host of The Local Youth Worker podcast for RYM. He is the author of Time Out! (2018) & Insecure (2019). He and his wife, Ashleigh, live in Ridgeland, MS, with their five children.
9781781917442 |
9781857928723 |
9781857927467 |
One of the questions I receive most often from parents is, ‘How much is too much for my children to be involved in sports?’ This book doesn’t offer easy solutions, but it does provide the wisdom that parents need to drive them to God’s Word as they decide how sports can be used for God’s glory in their children’s lives.
Timothy Paul Jones
Professor of Apologetics & Director, Center for Christian Apologetics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Perspective, we are often told, is everything. In this helpful book John Perritt helps Christians, and especially Christian parents, to put sports into perspective—a Christian perspective. This book is a very helpful contribution to a conversation Christians must eagerly engage
R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
This is a clear, concise and compassionate book that insightfully probes to the heart of an important issue in our day – a Christian attitude to sports. Sport is good but it is not God. Writing with sound biblical theology, vibrant illustrations, memorable quotes and helpful practical application, John Perritt has made a significant contribution to this topic. It’s a must read!
Gavin Peacock
Former professional footballer and Director of International Outreach, The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Every church engaging in sports ministry needs to have this book as a resource for setting clear and gospel–focused guidelines. Perritt has done a considerable service in addressing the key issues in short compass and providing biblical answers.
Derek W. H. Thomas
Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina