Released in the UK June 2018
Released in the US August 2018
Large trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781527101524 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012120
There is a yearning within all of us to be ‘whole’ – a recognition that we live fragmented lives. In this semi–biographical work, Scott Redd examines this fight, discussing how we should be approaching it theologically and practically, in our day–to–day lives. Filling each chapter with doctrines and biblical texts, Redd uses his theological training to tease out the idea of becoming fully–functioning, love–filled, Christ–devoted people. With an engaging, humorous tone, this book presents Christ as the unifying force of our hearts and minds – not abstract or unattainable, He is right in front of us, waiting to be embraced.
Scott Redd
Dr. Scott Redd is the President and an Associate Professor of Old Testament at the Washington, D.C. campus of Reformed Theological Seminary.
9781781917213 |
9781527100909 |
9781857920680 |
Scott Redd gets behind the familiar truths that we recite and stirs us to think about what it means to love God with all our hearts. This book about holiness and wholeness aims at nothing less than healing the broken image of God.
Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Scott Redd’s luminous style, personal anecdotes and literary allusions delight and engage us to keep on turning the pages to become whole. If you are looking for a good read, The Wholeness Imperative is it.
Bruce Waltke
Professor of Old Testament, Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
Drawing from his extensive knowledge of Scripture, Scott Redd pursues the theme of wholeness through the story of salvation, from creation to the new heavens and new earth, in a way that is clear, faithful, and compelling. It will enrich both the pastor in the pulpit and the hymnwriter in the back pew.
Keith Getty
In The Wholeness Imperative Dr Redd helpfully draws out – and illustrates from personal experience – the Bible’s teaching about the integration of faith and life. The book is a heart–warming call to an ongoing and holistic surrender to the Lordship of Christ. The author encourages a sanctification that brings every part of life into captivity to Christ in obedience. This book will help Christians to grow in grace and become what we are.
David J. Randall
Author of ‘Why I Am Not an Atheist’ and ‘Christianity – Is It True?’