Released in the UK April 2018
Released in the US June 2018
Trade paperback | 224 Pages
9781527101494 • £7.99 $11.99
BISAC – REL099000
Through the joys and sorrows of life, we can often lose sight of what the Bible has assured us: we are at war, and must be ready, continually standing firm against the world, the Devil and even our own flesh. The Perpetual Battle is a training manual, helping us know our enemy and understand what it means to live in enemy–occupied territory as we learn to fight the good fight.
Simon Vibert
Simon Vibert is Vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water, Surrey. Prior to that he was Vice Principal and Director of the School of Preaching at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He studied in the USA, taught at Bible School in Haiti and has served in parishes in Wimbledon, Buxton and Carlisle. Simon is a preaching facilitator with Langham Partnership and is author of 4 other books, including Stress, The Path to Peace and Lives Jesus Changed.
9781781917114 |
9781845507350 |
9781845501051 |
Simon Vibert sounds the trumpet to call us to arms. Even better, he equips us with strategies and tactics drawn from a variety of Christian writers who understood that our greatest enemies are the ones we cannot see.
Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Dr Simon Vibert skilfully amplifies his massive Bible knowledge with the historical writings of the Puritans, and such giants as JC Ryle, CS Lewis, Martyn Lloyd–Jones and John Stott. Read – and become aware! However advanced your spiritual standing, you are a clear target in a perpetual battle!
Richard Bewes
OBE (1939 – 2019), formerly of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, England
A war is being waged, a war against an internal foe, an external foe, and an ultimate foe. If Christians fail to realize that, we will find ourselves casualties on the battlefields of personal discipleship, cultural skirmishes, and cosmic conflict. This book is a call to arms and a strategy manual. Read it, equip yourself, and fight the good fight.
N. Clayton Croy
Professor of New Testament, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio
Simon is a gifted interpreter of scripture and offers many keen insights into this complicated and far–reaching subject. His many years of pastoral experience make this book practical and beneficial to every follower of Christ. The Perpetual Battle is a book you will turn to again and again.
Richard Pratt
President, Third Millennium Ministries, Orlando, Florida