Released in the UK April 2018
Released in the US June 2018
Trade paperback | 224 Pages
9781527101111 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012130
God has revealed Himself to us in His Word. As we study what He says about Himself, and see more of His perfection, worth, magnificence and beauty, we glimpse His glory. This second title in The Good Portion series looks at what the Bible says about God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – that we might know Him better and glorify Him.
Rebecca Stark
Rebecca Stark blogs at Rebecca Writes, Revive our Hearts, and Out of the Ordinary. She enjoys writing about theology and strives to make doctinal terms and ideas understandable and accessible. Rebecca lives in Yukon, Canada and has four grown children and three toddler grandchildren who all live nearby.
9781857924282 |
9781527100329 |
9781781919781 |
This is an outstanding and accessible treatment of the attributes of God.
Robert Letham
Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales
... brilliant little volume on the attributes of our great God. It is theologically astute, devotionally inspiring, and powerfully written. I highly recommend it.
Tim Challies
Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’
Understanding who God is and what he is like is the secret to growing in Christlikeness. I’m so excited to have The Good Portion: God to teach me and others to how to meditate on God.
Arlette Mbugua
Wife of Kenneth Mbugua, senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Nairobi, Kenya
Aiming to reveal God in all His glory, this in–depth volume (and series) is a rare find amongst the plethora of publications available for ministry to women.
Margaret Köstenberger
Associate Professor of Theology & Women’s Ministry and Faculty Coordinator of Women’s Ministry Programs, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary