Released in the UK April 2018
Released in the US June 2018


Large trade hardback | 576 Pages
9781527101104 • £24.99 $39.99

BISAC – REL006060

Ezekiel Vol 2

A Mentor Commentary

John L. Mackay

Through all the unusual and confusing turns of Ezekiel’s account, John L. Mackay provides a scholarly treatment of the Old Testament prophet, without losing a sense of reverence and devotion towards the God Ezekiel served. Offering great depths of exegesis and great warmth of pastoral insight, these two exhaustive volumes are aimed at the pastor and student.

John L. Mackay
John L. Mackay (1948–2018) was the Principal of the Free Church College, Edinburgh where he taught Old Testament from 1983 until his retirement in 2013. He was a highly–respected Old Testament scholar and authored several well–received commentaries on a range of Biblical books.

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