Released in the UK January 2015
Released in the US March 2015
Large trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781857924749 • £11.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL067040
To see the glory of Christ is one of the greatest privileges that a Christian can enjoy. Anyone who does not see his glory in this world, will not see his glory in heaven, and no one should look for anything in heaven that he has not experienced in this life. Read this book, and may God by his Word and Spirit give you such a sense of his uncreated glory, blazing forth in Christ, that you will be satisfied and filled with joy. This is the orginal text with a new layout and is fully subtitled which makes it more accessible to a new generation of readers.
John Owen
Amongst the best known of the Puritans, John Owen (1616-1683) was a profound and thought provoking pastor-theologian. His writings continue to be widely read and greatly appreciated to this day.
9781857927986 |
9781781911495 |
9781527112223 |
9781781912935 |
I'm here today, absolutely certain that the subject we ought to think about together is the glory of Christ. And John Owen's book on the Glory of Christ is the classic writing on that subject. ...I commend that book to you very warmly and anything that I've learned of the Glory of Christ you will find elaborated considerably there.
Eric Alexander
Conference speaker and formerly minister St George's Tron, Glasgow for 20 years
'Take time to read this book. Savour each page. Appreciate the depths of what Owen says. Allow yourself to be analysed, searched, exposed, deconstructed, edified, enlightened, engraced, and refocused on the glory of Jesus Christ.'
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
This beautifully produced reprint, with translations of Owen's Latin by Angus Morrison and a summary introduction by Sinclair Ferguson is an honour to its publishers. With key passages highlighted, unfamiliar terms explained, and plenty of 'light' between headed paragraphs, it is a joy to read. Its contents are beyond recommendation. The divine glory of our Saviour leaves us 'lost in wonder, love and praise.'
Peace and Truth