Released in the UK October 2017
Released in the US December 2017
Large trade hardback | 448 Pages
9781527100411 • £22.99 $29.99
BISAC – REL006060
The book of Ecclesiastes, part of the wisdom literature of the Bible, can be a perplexing maze to interpret and teach. Full of apparent contradictions and much–debated Hebrew, the theme focuses on the gritty realities of life ‘under the sun’. Richard Belcher approaches this book with the depth and care it needs, presenting solid guidance on the intricacies of interpretation – alongside continual comments on the practicalities of preaching.
Richard P. Belcher, Jr.
Richard P. Belcher, Jr. is the John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament and the Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary Atlanta. He is the author of ‘The Messiah and the Psalms’, as well as commentaries on Genesis, Job and Ecclesiastes and has a decade of pastoral experience.
9781527101104 |
9781781913680 |
9781845502027 |
9781845503451 |
Richard P. Belcher has given us a commentary that is thoroughly researched, balanced, and sensitive to the needs of preaching pastors. Whether it is read by students seeking to grasp what are the issues in Ecclesiastes (and what contemporary scholars are saying about those issues), or read by ministers and teachers preparing to preach and teach the book, it will prove to be immensely beneficial.
Duane A. Garrett
John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky