Released in the UK August 2017
Released in the US October 2017
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781527100329 • £8.99 $13.99
BISAC – REL012130
We live in an age where ‘friendships’ are prolific and contact is constant. But are all of these people really our friends? The bond of Christian friendship is different. Built on our unity with Christ, these are real life, flesh and blood relationships – both sacred and sacrificial. Christina Fox offers insight into how we can weave friendships that last through any season and reflect Christ to the world.
Christina Fox
Christina Fox is a counselor, retreat speaker, writer, and author of several books including ‘Tell God How You Feel: Helping Kids with Hard Emotions’ and ‘A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament’. You can find her at
9781781917282 |
9781527102330 |
9781527106161 |
9781781919781 |
No other kind of friendship can offer the strength of Christian friendship. In Closer Than A Sister, Christina Fox offers insight into how we can weave the cords of our friendships to last through any season.
Jen Wilkin
Author of Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds
Everything Christina writes is clear on the gospel and passionately explains the truth that Jesus is both Lord and Christ and what that means for our lives.
Gloria Furman
Author, ‘A Tale of Two Kings’ and ‘Labor with Hope’
Rather than attempting to survive on surface-level friendships, Closer Than a Sister shows us how to live in biblical community with one another.
Melissa B. Kruger
author and director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition
In a day when discussions concerning women in the church and women's ministries, in particular, are at their zenith, Christian Fox has done us an enormous service by wedding a sound biblical theology of union with Christ to a sound biblical theology of fellowship--particularly as it relates to women in the church.
Nick Batzig
Pastor, New Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), Richmond Hill, Georgia and Editor, Reformation 21