Released in the UK June 2017
Released in the US August 2017
Large trade paperback | 256 Pages
9781781919859 • £9.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL012010
'Then came cancer - I was terrified.'
Life was about to get very difficult for Connie Dever. Her soul echoed her body's turbulence. Everything felt so desperately out of control. 'Fears seized me and sometimes evil felt palpably close. At times I couldn't even open my Bible - only hold it. I was at the end of myself. "God, hold on to me! I can't do anything"'
And hold on to her, He did.
Connie Dever
Connie Dever is the wife of Mark Dever, Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C.. She has a heart for children's ministry which is rich in substantive, biblical truth. It was out of this heart that, in 1997, The Praise Factory curriculum was created. Connie and Mark have two adult children.
9781527110670 |
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The blogposts of Connie Dever are the stuff of a spiritual classic ... her sparkling honesty testifies, through the tears, that "He will hold me fast."
D. A. Carson
Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
The beauty of Connie's book is that it's her journal-her raw emotions, fears, and hopes-in the midst of her suffering. And, therefore, it's a companion for anyone who is suffering because it remembers the dark times-and the hope we can have in them.
Bethany L. Jenkins
Director of Every Square Inch, The Gospel Coalition and Director of Vocational & Career Development, The King?s College, New York City, New York
Written in an informal tone, sometimes even preserving some of the verbiage and quirks of an online journal, this is an honest, urgent, encouraging account of loss and gain. I'm so glad I read it.
Tim Challies
Author, ‘Seasons of Sorrow’
There is a long Christian tradition that has encouraged believers to spend time preparing for the realities of death. This is not a morbid impulse, but rather a wise attempt to finish well and faithfully. Drawing on scripture, insights from psychology, and theological truths, Tim Sisemore's book gently guides readers through the complexity of dealing with death, grief, hope, and promise. In these pages many will find real comfort and strength.
Kelly M. Kapic
Author of Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering and Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia