Released in the UK April 2017
Released in the US June 2017
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781781918098 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012020
In this 31-day devotional, John Perritt looks at the life of Judas - the experiences he had living with Christ, the things he would have seen and heard, and his terrible final resolve. This is a book which challenges our hearts and makes us feel uncomfortable - and leaves us with tears of praise, wondering at the amazing salvation which we have in our Christ.
John Perritt
John Perritt is the Director of Resources for Reformed Youth Ministries ( and serves as the host of The Local Youth Worker podcast for RYM. He is the author of Time Out! (2018) & Insecure (2019). He and his wife, Ashleigh, live in Ridgeland, MS, with their five children.
9781527105591 |
9781527105898 |
9781527112575 |
9781781918890 |
I must warn you, this is a book that will challenge your heart and its insistence in following bad paths. I hope that you take up and read.
Emilio Garofalo Neto
Senior Pastor, Semear Presbyterian Church, Brasilia, Brazil and Professor of Systematic Theology, Presbyterian Seminary of Brasilia
Some will find this book to be a needed warning, others will find it deeply comforting, but all who read it will be pointed to Christ's finished work.
Jason Wredberg
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Watertown, Wisconsin
The contrarian in me loves this - a look at Jesus through the eyes of His betrayer. And a look at our own relationship with Jesus through exploring theirs.
Barnabas Piper
Author of 'The Pastor's Kid', 'Help My Unbelief', and 'The Curious Christian'
If you think you have nothing in common with Judas Iscariot, think again-John Perritt proves it from Scripture!
Bob Bevington
Co-author, 'The Bookends of the Christian Life'