Released in the UK December 2016
Released in the US February 2017
Trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781781919071 • £8.99 $13.99
BISAC – REL012050
Often the gospel can become only a legal means of forgiveness - like a marriage which exists only to pay the mortgage.
Lost in Wonder is a call back to the joy of our salvation and our first love for Christ. It explores our current and eternal union with Christ using the Biblical analogy of marriage - and shows the profound beauty in both.
Peter Mead
Peter Mead is director of Cor Deo, a mentored ministry training programme based in Chippenham, England. He is on the leadership team of a church plant and leads the Bible Teachers & Preachers Networks at the European Leadership Forum.
9781857927566 |
9781527109667 |
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There is a place in our heart for God, that absolutely nothing else can satisfy. Read this book with an open heart and let your hunger for His grace and presence grow.
Leif Nummela
Author & Bible Teacher, Finland
This new book by Peter Mead, Lost in Wonder: A Biblical Introduction to God's Great Marriage, invites us all to rethink our perception of God with fresh categories. The truths explained here have certainly changed me, and I will never go back to the legalistic religion I used to lug around.
Ray Ortlund
Lead Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee
If ever a book earned its title, this one did, as I closed its pages "Lost in Wonder."
David Murray
Senior Pastor, First Byron CRC, Byron Center, Michigan and author of ‘The StoryChanger’ and ‘Jesus on Every Page’
That the powerful king of the universe is a God of passionate love makes for glorious biblical theology. That he would relentlessly pursue a sinner like me in such love is simply mind-blowing.
Dave Gobbett
Lead Minister, Highfields Church, Cardiff, Wales & Word Alive Trustee