Released in the UK May 2014
Released in the US July 2014
Large trade paperback | 304 Pages
9781857926583 • £14.99 $23.99
BISAC – REL006060
This guide to the art of poignant illustrations will make your preaching come alive. Jack Hughes shares wisdom from the Puritan master of illustrations, Thomas Watson, to help you share your passion - and your points - from the pulpit.
Jack Hughes
Dr. Jack Hughes pastors in Louisville, KY. He received his theological education from The Master’s Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary and loves equipping men for the work of the ministry. Jack also helped train men as an adjunct professor at The Master’s Seminary. Jack and his wife Lisa have been married since 1984, have two grown sons, a married daughter, and two grandchildren. Jack is the author of ‘Expository Preaching with Word Pictures’ and the proprietor and curator of, which is devoted to training preachers and Bible teachers.
9781845500535 |
9781857929379 |
9781845507275 |
9781527102347 |
Jack Hughes tells that there is no hiding place for the lazy preacher who is contented to preach in monochrome.
David Meredith
Mission Director, Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
Instructive, fresh and interesting.
Jay Adams
Author & Retired Seminary Professor, Enoree, South Carolina
Use a sanctified imagination to bring meaningful "pictures" out of the text and into your sermons, without sacrificing biblical content.
Warren W. Wiersbe
(1929 – 2019) Author and Conference Speaker
Unbelievably rich, Watson's messages still communicate today with a power and clarity that is simply breathtaking. Jack Hughes has done a tremendous job... This book will be a valuable tool for any preacher seeking to improve his skill in handling and communicating the Word of God.
John MacArthur
Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary and Pastor–Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California