Released in the UK January 2005
Released in the US March 2005
Pocket paperback | 144 Pages
9781845500467 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL012030
Only half of today's marriages stick - why is that? The social revolution has made marriage fairer and unacceptable behaviour more 'frowned upon' so shouldn't our marriages be healthier and more long lasting?
Why is it that an institution that forms the basis of society is in crisis? And what can we do to improve things?
Here are the 6 questions to ask yourselves if you are preparing for, or are already part of, a marriage.
1. WHAT? - The nature of your marriage
2. WHO? - The partners in your marriage
3. WHY? - The reasons for your marriage
4. HOW? - The practicalities of your marriage
5. WHEN? - The timing of your marriage
6. WHERE? - The purpose of your marriage
This book won't make you feel guilty and suggest impossible solutions (we've all read THOSE sort of books before!). It'll make you realise what you can do and suggest a plan to implement it.
Is your marriage important? - Show that it is! There are also 2 helpful appendices:
1. Pre-marriage Studies
2. Why not? - Sexual temptation in the workplace
John Benton
John Benton is Director of Pastoral Support for The Pastors’ Academy at London Seminary. John & his wife Ann have written a number of books and at present are involved in a church planting venture. They are often asked to speak at Christian conferences.
Ann Benton
Ann Benton is the wife of John Benton, a church minister, author and magazine editor. John and Ann have developed and run practical Marriage orienting and enrichment seminars to the benefit of numerous couples (and couples to be).
9781527107885 |
9781527112650 |
9781527105386 |
9781527100404 |
This is a readable and compact book to give soon-to-be married or married couples. The Content is biblical and Straightforward, but down to earth and not falsely idealistic. These are two very helpful appendixes, one with excellent pre-marital studies, the other dealing with sexual temptation in the workplace. Strongly recommended!