Released in the UK November 2018
Released in the US November 2018
Large trade paperback | 220 Pages
9780906731000 • £11.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL015000
Dr Kennedy was the pastor of Dingwall Free Church congregation from 1844 until his death in 1884 at the age of 65. He was renowned and powerful preacher whose services were in much demand by congregations throughout the Highlands and much of Scotland. He was also a staunch defender of the reformed faith who as his friend describe him ‘true as steel and firm as rock’. He has an honoured place among the chroniclers of the religious history and biography of the Highlands of Scotland.
John Kennedy
9781845505509 |
9781857926187 |
9781527109735 |
9781781917787 |
I am greatly indebted to the late Dr Kennedy for my initial training in evangelism and will truly enjoy reading his biography.
I have found many of the materials and titles produced by Christian Focus Publications most helpful in ministry (particularly the "Just Grace" booklet) and warmly commend you for the ongoing work CFP are doing here in the UK, in the USA and throughout the world for the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ.