Released in the UK October 2001
Released in the US October 2001
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781857923971 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL067060
Richard Brooks answers the questions:
What is Heaven like?
How do we get there?
What will we do there?
What is the Focus of Heaven?
How do we prepare for it?
What is the alternative?
Walk into any bookshop and you will have no difficulty in finding stories of near death experiences, visions of angels, and journeys to Heaven and back again - but what does the Bible have to say about Heaven? This place which so many people seem to long to get to, on which so many weird and wonderful ideas abound?
The Bible is written by God as a guide through this life to the next. The pictures it gives of heaven are authoratitive and compelling. Using the book of Revelation, Richard Brooks guides us through the amazing pictures of heaven that we discover there.
By using each reference like a door, through which we can glimpse another fascinating room in eternity, he shows us what Heaven is really like - and also discover the alternative destination...
Richard Brooks
Reverend Richard S. Brooks is Minister of the Dales Evangelical Church which meets in Matlock, Derbyshire
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In the above volume, the author gives us an excellent treatment of a wonderful subject, as he focuses upon the teaching about heaven laid before us in the book of Revelation. Mr Brooks, who is the minister of York Evangelical Church and a very able writer and Bible commentator, has provided us with an informative and, at times, moving account of the Christian's home. There are 12 chapters, dealing with such matters as God of heaven, its purity and the way there, to preparation for the eternal state and Christ's Marriage Supper. The final chapter is a beautiful description of Christ as Heaven's focus. Here is sound, biblical theology at its best and written in good prose and easy style. Besides being fine instruction for Christians, it can also be a good evangelistic tool, for Mr Brooks is careful to maintain a Gospel application throughout. The Doors of Heaven deserves to be on every Christian's bookshelf and, in its own way, to become a popular modern day classic.
English Churchman