Released in the UK July 2001
Released in the US September 2001
Large trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781857926293 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL015000
The Church in Britain is popularly represented as an anachronism. To many it is.
Egon Bahr, former political advisor to the German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, said "You have to recognise realities in order to change them." These wise words carry a challenge to those wishing to change the spiritual landscape of Scotland and the rest of Britain.
Today 14% of Scots still attend church but 44% of the population say that religion has only 'a minor part' to play in Scottish public life, 9% said it played 'no part at all' and only 8% feel it played 'a major part'. To see how this could be changed, a special conference for theologians and church leaders was convened in Edinburgh by the Scottish Evangelical Theological Society and Evangelical Alliance Scotland.
A range of experts examined what could be learnt from history and how the church could be effective against the contemporary cultural backdrop. This book is an edited collection of the contributions made to the conference. Dr Geoffrey Grogan of the Glasgow Bible College was one of the prime movers behind the event - it is to him that this volume is dedicated.
Contributors: David Smith, David Bebbington, Will Storar, Chris Wright, Peter Neilson, Andrew Bogle, John Mackinnon, David Anderson.
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Informative and inspirational. Theological and practical. The value of Death or Glory is that it offers a look at mission in Scotland from several different angles help us to gain our 360 degree perspective. Scotland cannot rely on its spiritual heritage from the past. I hope this helpfully challenges the church to face the task of the future. It would be a sin if those in other parts of the United Kingdom did not read and benefit from these reflections. There is so much that those south of the border and elsewhere can learn.
Derek Tidball
Formerly Principal of London School of Theology
There is an urgent need for mainline churches to move from maintenance to mission. Here, in short compass, are the reasons for that transition and why the church needs to act now. These articles should move us to prayerful and thoughtful actions.
Devolution is the in-word politically. Spiritually England and Scotland preach the same gospel and fight similar battles. As one who has ministered on both sides of the Border I have found this book compelling, disturbing, and yet hopefully reading.
Philip H. Hacking
Retired Anglican priest, itinerant evangelical speaker, bible teacher and author, Lancashire