Released in the UK October 2016
Released in the US December 2016
Trade paperback | 144 Pages
Read to me: 8
Read Myself: 8–12
9781781918647 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL091000
Big Bible Answers bring catechism to life like never before! This interactive series introduces children to the great doctrines of the faith using Bible stores and tales from church history. Each chapter provides catechism questions to learn, stories to read, and study questions to discuss. Children will explore how people in the Old Testament came to faith through the story of Zerubbabel. They will follow a despairing Charles Spurgeon, whose longing for God’s mercy ended in a tiny Methodist chapel on a snowy day with the simple message “Look unto Christ and live.” And they will see what it means to love Jesus more than anything, as they read of Jerome’s struggle over his love for language and books. The Greatest Day Ever covers our response to the gospel and the Ten Commandments.
Selah Helms
Selah Helms is a pastor’s wife, homeschooling mom of four, grandmother to four. She has a heart for women’s discipleship and has been involved in counseling for forty years. Selah is also a history buff and teacher of Western Civilization from a Christian perspective and has written books on using stories from history to teach children doctrine from a reformed children’s catechism.
Susan Kahler
Susan Kahler serves alongside her husband in their local church in Grapevine, Texas. Professionally, she began her career as an attorney, but, for the past several years, she has taught freelance home school classes in Government, Western Civilization, and U.S. History and Literature.
9781527105614 |
9781857925555 |
9781845502911 |
9781857925562 |
As we were bringing up our children, my wife and I were always looking for resources to help us. I remember teaching through A Catechism for Boys and Girls, a basic adaptation of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. What a great supplement this work would have been for us!
Stuart Scott
Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky