Released in the UK March 2016
Released in the US May 2016
Trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781781917282 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012130
For many of us, we might busy ourselves with projects or work long hours to keep our mind off our pain. We might look at our circumstances and seek to change our situation in the hope that we will finally feel at peace once our life has changed.
The question is - How often do you look to God in His Word for help and hope? How often do you turn to Him when you feel anxious, distraught, or abandoned? How often do you bring your burdens to your Savior? Take a journey of hope through the Psalms of lament with Christina Fox.
Christina Fox
Christina Fox is a counselor, retreat speaker, writer, and author of several books including ‘Tell God How You Feel: Helping Kids with Hard Emotions’ and ‘A Heart Set Free: A Journey to Hope Through the Psalms of Lament’. You can find her at
9781527103306 |
9781781912980 |
9781527108936 |
9781527109919 |
... In A Heart Set Free, Christina Fox comes at our emotions, particularly the emotion of lament, from a Biblical view. Using the Psalms she takes the reader on a valuable journey teaching how to understand and express our emotions to our Heavenly Father.
Jessica Thompson
Speaker and author of Answering Your Kid?s Toughest Questions and Everyday Grace: Infusing all Your Relationships with the Love of Jesus
... I wish I had Christina's book back when I became a believer. It would have saved me a lot of painful emotion-stuffing and foolish emotion-ignoring.
Gloria Furman
Author, ‘A Tale of Two Kings’ and ‘Labor with Hope’
Some days feel like a roller coaster ride--up and down, and if possible sideways ... Christina doesn't ignore our emotions, rather she drives us from the wild ride to the freedom found in Jesus.
Trillia Newbell
Author of Fear and Faith and United
With theological integrity and practical suggestions she tenderly teaches us the language of lament and how our lamentations can take us to the gospel.
Susan Hunt
Pastor’s wife, former Director of Women’s Ministry for the PCA