Released in the UK September 2015
Released in the US November 2015
Large trade paperback | 144 Pages
9781781916438 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL074000
Are you ever disappointed in your spouse? Do you fight? Do you disagree about money, sex, or in-laws? What if the very struggles you are facing were addressed by thoughtful Christians hundreds of years ago?
In Held in Honor, you will find 50 devotional reflections on marriage carefully selected from 2,000 years of church history. Alongside each inspiring historical quote is a brief introduction to the person quoted and an accompanying biblical reflection.
You are not alone in your marriage. The Lord has provided encouragement, correction, and hope in his Word. Held in Honor aims to strengthen you by pointing you to the promises of God's Word and by showing you how past generations have applied this life-giving message to their own marriages.
Robert L. Plummer
Robert L. Plummer is professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky and serves as an elder at Sojourn Community Church.
Matthew D. Haste
Matthew D. Haste is Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Director of Professional Doctoral Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has served in pastoral ministry in Kentucky and South Carolina.
9781857925838 |
9781527111707 |
9781845508050 |
9781845509828 |
Plummer and Haste's Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past is a collection of writings on marriage from Christian theologians, pastors, and authors. The work is a delight to read on many levels. Those who value church history will appreciate the profound reflections on marriage from some of the greatest Christian minds of the past. Those who seek to understand Scripture's teaching on marriage will be rewarded and those who wish to be challenged to live with greater devotion toward God and his or her spouse will find many practical insights. The authors present a realistic understanding of marriage, highlighting its joys and sorrows, as well as its triumphs and trials. I highly recommend this book.
Michael L. Bryant
Dean, School of Christian Studies, Charleston Southern University, Charleston, South Carolina
I do not know of a more interesting and scholarly book to recommend for a marriage-focused devotional... Buy this book, treasure it on your nightstand, and don't forget to pass it to your sons and daughters as their marriage date approaches.
Daniel Montgomery
Founder and CEO of Leadership Reality and author of ‘Leadership Mosaic’ and ‘How to be Present in an Absent World’
As a woman engaged to be married for the first time (in my mid-50s), who loves classic Christian writings and devotional literature, I have found this book to be a treasure trove. A sweet and timely source of wisdom as I seek to honor Christ in a new season and station of life.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Author and founder & host of Revive Our Hearts
In my eight years of marriage I have found great joy in reading to Shannon Deane before we go to bed each night. I think I just found my favorite book to read to her! We are half way through reading HELD IN HONOR by Dr. Robert Plummer and Matt Haste and we have already been tremendously blessed because of it.
Each chapter is only two pages long which makes it easy reading each night, even when you are tired. You are presented with a short bio from someone in church history along with a quote they have made about marriage. The quotes themselves have been amazing and helpful to see that people have struggled with the same difficulties in marriage for 2,000 years! It actually makes you feel quite sane.
The authors then present you with a devotional follow up that brings clarity to the quote by directing your eyes to the Scriptures. There are challenging questions posed that if asked to your spouse will lead to deep conversations that bring edification and change in your marriage. This book is fun to read!