Released in the UK September 2015
Released in the US November 2015
Pocket paperback | 96 Pages
9781781916414 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL012120
You may never have thought much about these questions. But the fact is we all have a working version of the answers. Instead of speculating about who God is, Peter Mead invites us to begin with the claim that God has revealed Himself in Jesus. What kind of a God emerges from that claim? What kind of a vision for human beings and human flourishing? Christians have a word for it - 'gospel'. It means 'good news'. We think that what emerges is good news - THE good news.
Peter Mead
Peter Mead is director of Cor Deo, a mentored ministry training programme based in Chippenham, England. He is on the leadership team of a church plant and leads the Bible Teachers & Preachers Networks at the European Leadership Forum.
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Having the right answers is one thing but Peter Mead goes deeper - he explores the right questions - questions of God, humanity, sin and salvation. By turning to Scripture this book gives us a surprising, satisfying and compelling foundation for life.
Glen Scrivener
Director & Evangelist, Speak Life, Eastbourne, England
The book of Acts tells of God's plan for us to have relationship in the context of his grace. Foundations fills out this picture beautifully. Read and enjoy!
Darrell Bock
Senior Research Professor of New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
Peter's love of scripture, and his desire to see lives transformed bleed through the pages of this book.
Rick McKinley
Lead Pastor, Imago Dei Community, Portland, Oregon
A great little primer about the world, ourselves and - most importantly - God. This short, easy to read, helpful book will help you get to know Him better.
Marcus Honeysett
Director of Living Leadership and author, Kent, England