Released in the UK May 2015
Released in the US July 2015
Paperback | 96 Pages
9781781916117 • £4.99 $7.99
BISAC – REL012120
Google books on church, there will be no shortage of choice! Some will be helpful, others less so. So why another book on church? Josh Moody, is, in fact, asking a very different question: why should I go to church at all? Filled with practical advice, this book will help you answer questions you maybe should have known the answer to and other questions you never knew to ask!
Josh Moody
Josh Moody (MA, Cantab. Ph.D.) is Senior Pastor of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois and president of God Centered Life ministries. His books include ‘Burning Hearts: Preaching to the Affections’, ‘How the Bible Can Change Your Life’, ‘How Church Can Change Your Life’, and ‘Boasting’. For more and to hear his teaching go to
9781845504366 |
9781527112506 |
9781527104099 |
9781527102330 |
This book is just brilliant!
Steve Levy
Pastor, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Swansea, Wales
... a powerful and needed reminder of the central role the local church should play in the life of every Christian.
R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
...presents a compelling case for why we must be part of a healthy local church... ideal for new Christians, seekers who are unsure about the church, and for all those who have lost sight of the glorious truth that the church is God's agency for changing the world.
John Stevens
National Director, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, Market Harborough, Leicestershire
This book answers questions about the church that your friends are asking!... Read this book and be encouraged by his answers, and then pass it along to a friend who has considered church attendance to be optional.
Erwin Lutzer
Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois