Released in the UK May 2015
Released in the US July 2015
Trade paperback | 112 Pages
9781781915844 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – REL012050
Do we really need a book about sex? In a world seemingly obsessed, should this be a subject that stays 'in the bedroom'? Adrian and Celia Reynolds explore what the Bible teaches about sex. What is sex for? Why is it important? And why does it belong in marriage? Taking on board these simple truths and applying these realities to your own life will ensure that your view of sex is no more and no less than God intends.
Adrian Reynolds
Adrian Reynolds is Head of National Ministries with the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches.
Celia Reynolds
Celia Reynolds tutors students for the Cornhill Training Course, serves in the church and also works locally as a Community Parent. Along with husband Adrian they run conferences for and work with married couples.
9781781919071 |
9781527103382 |
9781527105386 |
9781857927566 |
Adrian and Celia take us back to God's Word and explore how sex is described in the Bible. By doing so they open our eyes to profound truths; as husband and wife experience the close oneness of sexual intimacy they not only point towards a greater truth (Christ and the church) but they also learn and discover something of the very nature of God himself...This excellent short book will enrich any marriage.
Greg & Harriet Strain
Spicer Street Church, St Albans
Adrian and Celia Reynolds have clearly met their aim to introduce the subject of sex in a biblical, brief and direct way. It's a wonderfully logical and helpful book. It's easy to read, but certainly not lightweight in content.
In our sex saturated society this excellent little volume could be profitably passed on to those who want a clearer understanding of what the Bible teaches about God's good gift of sex ... it will encorage any reader, married or single, to think carefully about their own attitude to sex, ensuring that it's no more and no less than our Creator intends.
Evangelicals Now couple will read this without benefit, and every Christian should rejoice in the deeper, richer, more joyful and long lasting the Bible's view on the matter is than that offered by the world! A brilliant little book and a healthy corrective!
Wallace & Lindsay Benn
Retired from Church of England ministry
... A great introduction for those who don't know what God has to say about His good gift. And a profitable reminder for those who have already searched the Scriptures.
Robin & Ursula Weekes
Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon