Released in the UK September 2010
Released in the US November 2010
Large trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781845506278 • £10.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL067040
This is a book that focuses on God's appearances in human form rather than the shekinah, the pillar of cloud or other manifestations of God's presence. Its purpose is to present a positive theology of theophanies rather than simply a defence against erroneous views. Borland looks at the characteristics of Christophanies and their use by God. It is the most comprehensive book of its type, although not every Christophany is investigated all categories are represented.
James A. Borland
James A. Borland is Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. For many year he was the Secretary-Treasurer of the Evangelical Theological Society.
9781871676280 |
9781781911945 |
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9781845505134 |
Should be in library of every pastor and serious Bible student.
Irvin A. Busenitz
Professor of Bible Exposition & Old Testament, The Master's Seminary, Sun Valley, California
... a great deal to commend this work, and anyone wishing to delve more deeply into these significant yet often enigmatic Old testament phenomena will find much help in it pages.
Banner of Truth
I heartily commend this work to every serious student of the Scriptures who wishes to serve Christ... Chalcedon did not say it all. There is work still left to be done and it would appear that God is calling our generation by the ministry of the Holy Spirit to set our hands to the job and to state in even clearer terms what our contemporaries must hear if they are to see Christ.
Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
President Emeritus, Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts.
... an important book on Christophanies of special interest to pastors/preachers and others who have an interest in theology.
Grace Magazine