Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781781915967 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL074000
Living a life of Christian service is tough. Quite rightly we can have big hopes for what can be done and dealing with discouragement and disappointment when these dreams shatter can be a painful experience. Michael Milton has a real heart for those who are beginning that work, this heart comes out in brief, honest, penetrating letters that are gold for a pastor just starting out, and remain tremendously helpful to the rest of us, as we seek to serve Christ in our daily lives.
Michael A. Milton
Michael A. Milton is President and Senior Fellow of the D. James Kennedy Institute and holds the James Ragsdale Chair of Missions and Evangelism at Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina.
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9781527111981 |
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...the personal warmth and pastoral overtones make this volume appealing and helpful.
Luder G. Whitlock
Executive Director of CNL Charitable Foundation, Orlando, Florida
...has provided an invaluable service to ministers by writing a series of letters to young seminarians about the ministry...take full advantage of this book.
Michael Ross
Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Charlotte, North Carolina
This book is nectar. It is full of rich insights and helpful suggestions that cannot possibly fail to bless the reader and enrich their advice is: buy it and read it often.
Tom Holland
Director of Biblical Research, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales is a modern version of C. H. Spurgeon's Lectures To My Students...they should be read by every pastor, those studying for ministry, and those who care for ministers.
Paul Kooistra
Former President, Erskine College and Theological Seminary, Due West, South Carolina