Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015
Paperback | 40 Pages
Read to me: 2-5
Read Myself: 6-8
9781781915622 • £4.99 $7.99
BISAC – JNF049040
What is the world's biggest question?
"Is the moon really made of cheese?" No. "Why can't I hit my sister if she hit me first?" No. "Why do I have to brush my baby teeth if they're just going to fall out?" No. No. No.
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Yes, that is the world's biggest question. "How do I get to heaven? How do I live with God forever and ever and ever?"
Find out how Jesus answered this question with a camel, a needle and two rich men!
Douglas Sean O’Donnell
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... a book that will delight and instruct children... Warmly recommended!
Justin Taylor
Executive vice president for book publishing, Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois
Two Fat Camels belongs on the reading shelf of young children!
David Helm
Pastor, Christ Church Chicago, Illinois