Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015
Paperback | 40 Pages
Read to me: 2-5
Read Myself: 6-8
9781781915622 • £4.99 $7.99
BISAC – JNF049040
What is the world's biggest question?
"Is the moon really made of cheese?" No. "Why can't I hit my sister if she hit me first?" No. "Why do I have to brush my baby teeth if they're just going to fall out?" No. No. No.
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Yes, that is the world's biggest question. "How do I get to heaven? How do I live with God forever and ever and ever?"
Find out how Jesus answered this question with a camel, a needle and two rich men!
Douglas Sean O’Donnell
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Two Fat Camels belongs on the reading shelf of young children!
David Helm
Pastor, Christ Church Chicago, Illinois
... a book that will delight and instruct children... Warmly recommended!
Justin Taylor
Executive vice president for book publishing, Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois