Released in the UK January 2015
Released in the US March 2015
Trade paperback | 96 Pages
9781781915554 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – JNF049010
What is the Bible anyway? Who wrote it? Is it really accurate and how can we know for sure that it is true - totally true?
These and other questions about the Word of God are answered in this book.
You don't have to be a professor to ask or answer these important questions but you can read the most amazing book ever written and you can trust it - because it is God's Word - the Bible.
Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie comes from Scotland and has written several biographies for young teens in the Trailblazers series as well as other titles for younger children. She is Editor for Christian Focus’ children’s imprint, CF4Kids.
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A fine and fresh treatment of many key truths about the Scriptures, presented in a way any child can digest. Covering basic hermeneutics, biblical unity, even apparent contradictions and much more, many adult Christians have never learned some of these vital points, and will be pleasantly surprised at how profitable this will be for themselves as they work through it with their children!
Dennis Gundersen
Grace and Truth Books