Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015
Trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781781915547 • £7.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL006000
Let's face some uncomfortable facts: many Christians can struggle with exactly the same issues about the Bible as their non-Christian friends. Is God in control? Can he be trusted? Is he moral? Does he care and can he speak into my life and my struggles? Daniel Strange and Michael Ovey set out how we can we place our complete trust in Scripture, challenging both Christian's and those outside the church.
Daniel Strange
Daniel Strange is the College Director at Oakhill Theological College in London. He lectures on Culture, Religion and Public Theology. Dan is married to Elly and they have seven children. He is an elder at East Finchley Baptist Church.
Michael Ovey
Michael Ovey (1958-2017) was the Principal of Oak Hill Theological College in London and taught on Doctrine, Apologetics and Liturgy. He was married to Heather, with whom he had three children.
9781845503789 |
9781857924756 |
9781527103368 |
9781527111349 |'s a great book to insert vertebra into our elastic spine! In an accessible but robust way, it strengthens our confidence in scripture, builds a compelling apologetic for our conversations with non-Christians, and urges us to follow Jesus' example by living wholeheartedly by that transforming Word.
Jonathan Lamb
Minister–at–large for Keswick Ministries, IFES Vice President, and former Director, Langham Preaching
In this engagingly written and pastorally sensitive book, barriers to engaging the Bible seriously are gently but effectively dismantled and current challenges to biblical authority and relevance are convincingly answered. Read this book!
Mark D. Thompson
Principal, Moore Theological College, New South Wales, Australia
...intellectually satisfying, spiritually edifying and a most useful addition to your apologetic tool bag. It is presented in easily digestible portions but will add to both your knowledge and your confidence in using the Bible. What a super book!
David Meredith
Mission Director, Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
Speaking both to the wider society and the Church, Daniel Strange and Mike Ovey challenge the sceptical, cynical and embarrassed approaches to the Bible, and provoke us to a greater confidence in this amazing God given gift to humanity.
Steve Clifford
General Director, Evangelical Alliance, UK