Released in the UK January 2015
Released in the US March 2015
Large trade paperback | 304 Pages
9781781915516 • £8.99 $14.99
BISAC – REL012030
Designed as a practical resource for Christian families and churches, the book empowers and inspires Christians to reform international adoption and orphan care. In Defense of the Fatherless casts a powerful vision for the end of the orphan crisis, inviting Christians to protect and provide for orphans and widows in response to God’s mercy.
Sara Brinton
Sara Brinton is a writer and social entrepreneur with a passion for reforming international adoption and orphan care. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Mark and their four children, including daughter Gabrielle who was adopted from Uganda.
Amanda Bennett
Amanda Bennett is a lawyer living in in Kigali, Rwanda with her husband and son. She serves on the board of directors for Reeds of Hope, a non-profit serving vulnerable families and children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
9781527107885 |
9781845500467 |
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...makes us all ask the questions: are we, as the church, caring for orphans and vulnerable children well? And how can we be doing better?
Megan Parker
Co-Founder, Abide Family Center, Jinja, Uganda
Any couple thinking of adopting, any church wanting to be involved in solving this problem should read this book.
Mary Whelchel
Director of Women?s Ministries, The Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois
...reveal some of the sobering and rather painful realities in overseas adoptions.
Bill Bertsche
Executive Pastor, The Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois
...the book every adoption and family preservation advocate has been waiting to read.
Jessica Honegger
Founder and CEO, Noonday Collection, Austin, Texas