Released in the UK May 2015
Released in the US July 2015
Royale Hardback 234 X 156 | 528 Pages
9781781915202 • £19.99 $29.99
BISAC – REL108020
Scotland has arguably the most varied, colourful and longstanding history of evangelical revivals in the world. Focusing on the period between 1527–1857 Tom Lennie provides an illuminating account of many an exciting time. Scotland’s true revival legacy is wide and varied and Lennie draws on a variety of sources to bring together this comprehensive resource. Land of Many Revivals examines how revival happened in different ways across Scotland and looks at the legacy left in these communities.
Tom Lennie
A native of Orkney, Tom Lennie serves as Executive Editor of Prophecy Today UK. With a longstanding fascination with revival history, he is the author of ‘Glory in the Glen’, ‘Land of Many Revivals’, and ‘Scotland Ablaze’.
9781781917817 |
9781845503772 |
9781527102415 |
9781781917800 |
This volume amply fulfils the promise of its title by surveying the vast range of religious revivals enjoyed in Scotland down to 1857. Tom Lennie has identified them with care and chronicled them with great sympathy.
David Bebbington
Professor of History, University of Stirling, Stirling
...a historically accurate, theologically framed and inspirationally written page turner documenting the multiple and varied Holy Spirit sent and Gospel saturated revivals in the land of Scotland.
Harry L. Reeder III
(1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
...looking even more thoroughly, more widely, and by using modern bibliographic aids, he has uncovered a good number of revivals not mentioned in earlier surveys... inspires us as we turn to God in our present needs. I recommend this book wholeheartedly.
Robert Owen Evans
Revival historian, astronomer and retired minister of the Uniting Church in Australia