Released in the UK November 2014
Released in the US January 2015
Trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781781915196 • £7.99 $11.99
BISAC – REL030000
Your church has a pastor and teachers - but where are your evangelists? Seek out who your evangelists are and send them out. Roger Carswell sets out the biblical focus on evangelism. Be prepared to be challenged. With a lifetime of experience Carswell gives a practical and challenging resource to help equip Christians - whether pastors or future evangelists.
Roger Carswell
Roger Carswell works full-time speaking to students and adults about the believability of the Christian faith and its relevance to the modern world. He is married to Dot and they have four children.
9781857924350 |
9781527104747 |
9781527104730 |
9781527104723 |
...Carswell challenges us to discover and develop evangelists in our churches. From Scripture and his own rich experience, he tells us how to do it. This book is must reading for all of God's people.
Warren W. Wiersbe
(1929 – 2019) Author and Conference Speaker
Biblical, interesting, challenging and provocative, this book fills a huge gap, not just in the contemporary Christian literature, but in the outlook of the average church.
Charles Price
The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada
...this book is a clear and compelling word to encourage and empower the evangelist of our day.
Joseph M. Stowell
President, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
I warm to the theme of this book. It keeps the Bible in the centre but is also very practical and eminently readable. We urgently need to recapture a belief in evangelism and share the author's love for it.
Philip H. Hacking
Retired Anglican priest, itinerant evangelical speaker, bible teacher and author, Lancashire