Released in the UK November 2014
Released in the US January 2015


Pocket paperback | 176 Pages
Read to me: 8–9
Read Myself: 9–14
9781781915226 • £5.99 $8.99

BISAC – JNF049180

Frances Ridley Havergal

The Girl Who Loved Mountains

Lucille Travis

As a little girl, Frances (Fanny) loved to climb trees, enjoy the countryside and to run about with her spaniel. The mountains of Switzerland inspired her and she loved hiking on the steep slopes. She became a hymn writer and singer, longing to share the love of her Saviour. Books flowed from her pen at a later stage, often beginning as bedtime stories for her nephews and nieces.

Lucille Travis
Lucille Travis is the author of several children's books and delights in encouraging young writers. A former college lecturer, she has also been a storyteller in Awana clubs and has held children's writing workshops.

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