Released in the UK September 2014
Released in the US November 2014
Hardback | 48 Pages
Read to me: 5–7
Read Myself: 8–11
9781781914335 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – JNF049010
In the corner of a stable where the animals usually eat there is a baby in a blanket lying in a box.
This baby is the Son of God who has been sent to save.
In this book you will find out who needs to be saved and how it is that this special Child will do it.
Carine MacKenzie
Carine MacKenzie’s talent for retelling Bible stories has meant that children from all over the world have been given the opportunity to discover Jesus Christ for themselves.
She has sales of several million books and lives in Inverness, Scotland.
9781781919811 |
9781845504519 |
9781527107045 |
9781781915660 |
What parent, Sunday School teacher or Pastor would not want a Christ-centered, Biblically faithful and understandable story written for children that is also well illustrated and well written? Now we have one which will not only benefit our children but will be loved and devoured by the adults who read it to them.
Harry L. Reeder III
(1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
The Christmas Story brings the truth and purpose of Jesus' coming into the world alive for children. In this beautifully illustrated book, Carine writes with imagination and clarity for children and whole families.
Amy Orr–Ewing
President of The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics