Released in the UK January 2010
Released in the US March 2010
Large trade paperback | 216 Pages
9781857927221 • £12.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL050000
This book is really a text book for anyone involved or interested in Christian counselling. Both the authors teach the subject at a theological seminary in the States. Their influences include Jay Adams, a leading Christian psychologist, and Francis Schaeffer. This model of psychology is very much more prescriptive than anything in secular counselling, or in many Christian circles, but the authors are consistent in their approach and they have been teaching the material for many years. There are good appendices to aid the reader.
Howard Eyrich
Howard Eyrich is Pastor of Counselling, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
William Hines
William Hines has taught at Le Tourneau University, Trinity Bible College and Seminary and the Master?s Divinity School. He is an ordained minister and board member for the International Association of Biblical Counselors.
9781857929607 |
9781845505455 |
9781527103863 |
9781527106178 |
...the Curing the Heart model of Biblical counseling changed the course of my ministry. It equipped me with the biblical knowledge and tools to minister to those in distress, debt and discontent.
"This is a wonderful guide to use for learning how to counsel those in need, focusing on importance of building that relationship and trust. I felt that authors Eyrich and Hines did an excellent job in preparing this book and providing training for people interested in counselling others. Every pastor or counsellor should have a copy."
"...outstanding! Their multidimensional approach focuses on several facets of counseling that help the counselor be fully equipped to deal with every kind of problem situation. Get one for yourself and one for everyone you know who is interested in counseling people God's way."
Ed Hindson
Dean, Institute of Biblical Studies, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia
"Dr. Howard Eyrich serves on the Pastoral Staff at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. He has not only developed, but put into practice, the model of Biblical Counseling which is developed for you in this book. Our Lord has used him successively to minister to many people in our congregation and community, to train others and to multiply biblical counseling through the transferable model that you will find on the following pages. The blessing of this ministry is evident, not only in the lives of the people that it touches, but also in the many lay people that he has trained to assist in the counseling ministry at Briarwood."
Harry L. Reeder III
(1948 – 2023) Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama