Released in the UK October 2017
Released in the US December 2017


Large trade paperback | 208 Pages
9781781913000 • £9.99 $14.99

BISAC – REL067100

Knowing And Growing in Assurance of Faith

Joel R. Beeke

In his 100th work, Joel Beeke writes on the power and beauty of true, secure assurance of faith: the heartfelt conviction that one belongs to Christ through faith and will enjoy everlasting salvation. This title opens up Dr. Beeke’s expertise and learning for anyone ‘trapped in a background of easy believism or trapped in the opposite fear of assurance being the certain mark of being presumptuous and so crushing the young shoots of hope and assurance as they appear.’

Joel R. Beeke
Joel R. Beeke is Chancellor and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and Pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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