Released in the UK January 2016
Released in the US March 2016
Large trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781781912706 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – REL030000
Eleven Christians – including a biologist, a psychiatrist, a journalist, and a debater – travelled on eleven diverse paths to faith in Jesus Christ. This book is the compilation of their answers and experiences written in response to Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not A Christian.
Contributors include Donald Bruce, Alistair Donald, Henk Drost, Elaine Duncan, Alex MacDonald, Pablo Martinez, David Randall, David Robertson, Chris Sinkinson, and Heather Tomlinson.
David J. Randall
David J. Randall is now retired after more than forty years in full–time pastoral ministry. He was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Solas (Centre for Public Christianity) based in Dundee, Scotland.
9781781917756 |
9781781914304 |
9781527103290 |
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Read it, pass it on - then get more copies and repeat the process!
John Blanchard
Internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist and author
The authors faithfully fulfill the apostle Peter's exhortation to give the reason for the hope that they have in Christ.
James N. Anderson
Associate Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
For the many honest, open-minded sceptics who do want to reasonably weigh all the evidence, this book will be thought-provoking, stimulating and perhaps even life-changing.
William J. U. Philip
Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow
Combines good-going apologetics with the narrative of personal stories, all in a thoroughly readable and always engaging way: believers will be emboldened, doubters fortified, and atheists warmly challenged!
Jeremy Middleton
Chairman of the Crieff Trust