Released in the UK September 2013
Released in the US September 2013
Hardback 230 X 184 | 700 Pages
9781781911228 • £29.99 $49.99
BISAC – REL067000
Tom Nettles has spent more than 15 years working on this magisterial biography of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the famous 19th century preacher and writer. More than merely a biography it covers his life, ministry and also provides an indepth survey of his theology.
Tom Nettles
Tom Nettles is Senior Professor of Historical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
9781527101111 |
9781527109711 |
9781781914052 |
9781781917824 |
This is certainly deserving of the best book of 2013.
Sam Storms
President, Enjoying God Ministries
... takes us into the heart of Charles Spurgeon's conviction and his pastoral theology. This is a book that will encourage, educate, and bless its readers.
R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
... Nettles has given us an immense and monumental portrait of almost every aspect of the life of "the prince of preachers,"... educational, edifying, and enjoyable to read, this massive work is a masterful contribution to Baptist history and Christian biography.
David S. Dockery
President, International Alliance for Christian Education and Distinguished Professor of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
... an "all-round" study of Spurgeon that provides us with a fully reliable, substantial examination of an extremely important figure in the life of Victorian Evangelicalism and the world of that era.
Michael A. G. Azad Haykin
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky