Released in the UK May 2013
Released in the US July 2013
Trade paperback | 288 Pages
9781781912041 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – BIO018000
We shouldn't be surprised when we have the examples in the Bible of David and Saul of Tarsus! John Pollock's deft, biographical pen sweeps over great reformers, liberators and evangelists of the 18th and 19th centuries. He shows their spiritual development, often from unpromising beginnings, and encourages us to believe that God can use us too. Characters include:
John Newton, William Wilberforce, James Ramsey, Sir Charles Middleton
Sir George Williams, The 7th Earl of Shaftsbury, Robert Raikes, Elizabeth Fry
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Sir Henry Havelock, Sir Herbert Edwardes
D L Moody, Brownlow North, R A Torrey, Bramwell Booth, Lord Radstock
Hudson Taylor, Adoniram Judson, Mildred Cable, Stanley Smith, Rosalie Harvey, James Chalmers, Ernest Presswood, John and Betty Stam, Sir Wilfred Grenfell, Mary Slessor and Rowland Bingham.
John Pollock
The late John Pollock, an award-winning biographer, had a flair for telling a dramatic story. He used this talent to write many biographies including ones on D. L. Moody and Major General Sir Henry Havelock.
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