Released in the UK May 2013
Released in the US July 2013
Trade paperback | 112 Pages
Read to me: 5-6
Read Myself: 7-11
9781781911549 • £5.99 $8.99
BISAC – JNF049020
Wolves have had a bit of a P.R. campaign lately. If fairy tales were being written today the wolf would save the three little pigs and escort Little Red Riding Hood to safety. But it wasn't always like that. People in the days of the early church saw wolves as wild predators. That's why the Apostle Paul described the false teachers who sought to destroy Christians as 'savage wolves'. There was great danger in the early church of those false teachers leading Christians into error by teaching lies. So let's go to the very early years of the church to discover the names of those people who fought for and against God's truth. Characters included:
The Apostle James;Basil the Great; Ambrose of Milan; John Chrysostom; Simeon Stylites, Monica of Hippo; Augustine.
J. R. Williamson
James Williamson lives in Lusaka, Zambia and is married to Megan. They have six children ? three boys and three girls. James loves watching movies with his kids and exploring nature.
R. M. Freedman
Rebekah Freedman is from Louisville, Kentucky. She enjoys reading and writing historical fiction, particularly from the Jane Austin era.
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