Released in the UK March 2015
Released in the US May 2015


Pocket paperback | 80 Pages
9781857929157 • £3.99 $6.99

BISAC – REL030000

A Christian's Evangelistic Pocket Guide to Islam

Malcolm Steer

Speaking to Muslims about Christianity can be an unsettling experience for the Christian. Our understanding of the Muslim faith is very limited, and their critique of the Christian faith is often unlike any we have come across. Despite the difficulties we are still called to be ready to witness. Islam is the world's fastest growing religion so Christian's are going to have to learn how to reach Muslims, and how to answer their criticisms. Malcolm draws on his experience of witnessing to Muslims, and shows how to witness effectively.

Malcolm Steer
Malcolm Steer is the chairman of Fellowship of Faith for Muslims, and has been a missionary to Muslim communities in Iran, the UK and Europe for over 40 years.

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