Released in the UK January 2013
Released in the US March 2013
Large trade paperback | 272 Pages
Read to me: 14
Read Myself: 14+
9781781911433 • £9.99 $15.99
BISAC – YAN048000
It can be difficult to ask questions, far less answer them. Perhaps you've felt that sometimes the questions you really want to ask just can't be answered. They're too difficult; too embarrassing; and perhaps you shouldn't be asking them anyway. William Edgar takes a selection of twenty-four questions just like that - questions that are asked by young adults just like you - and gives a biblical, common sense, unpatronising answer to each. Edgar tackles issues such as 'Where is God?' 'Can we trust the Bible?' 'What about love and sex?' 'Does God love gay people?' 'When will the world end?' 'Are there vampires?' 'Can I have real friends?'
William Edgar
William Edgar is Professor of Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and an accomplished jazz pianist. He is married to Barbara and they have two children, William and Deborah.
9781857925586 |
9781527106178 |
9781527108004 |
9781527111066 |
... a deep and detailed read, designed for teens with deep and searching questions. It's packed full of useful background information that will equip you with information you didn't know you needed!
Dr. Edgar offers a brilliant, thorough, and, yet, accessible apologetic for teens regarding the Christian faith. So many students know bits and pieces of Christianity; You Asked provides a cohesive systematic theology in a personal manner that a teen can understand. You Asked has great value for non-believing, new-believing, and long-believing teens. Every Christian teen should read You Asked before they attend college to equip them for the challenges to their worldview. Every non-Christian teen should read You Asked in order to hear a fair and accurate presentation of Christianity and The Gospel.
Cameron Cole
Director of Youth Ministries, Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Alabama, Chairman, Rooted: A Theology Conference for Student Ministry
"Dr Edgar is a reliable and stimulating guide. I know at least one teenager who will be enjoying this. My daughter!"
David Robertson
Well–known pastor and apologist
Teens struggle with doubts, anxiety, and peer pressure regularly. You Asked provides a thought-provoking launching point from which teens can wrestle with these unique dilemmas. Each chapter provides insight and guidance into specific questions and concerns, which can be explored discretely or as part of the larger narrative. Combined with followup discussion, this book can go a long way to helping mitigate the philosophical and ethical minefield known as adolescence.
Michael Keller
Reformed University Fellowship Campus Minister, New York City, New York