Released in the UK March 2013
Released in the US May 2013


Large trade paperback | 272 Pages
9781845509699 • £9.99 $15.99

BISAC – REL067000

Taking the Bible at its Word

Paul Wells

God's Word is the same yesterday, today and forever! God's Complete Word still speaks to us today. It tells the story of God coming to us for our salvation. We are given the possibility to know God and what he did for us. We can find no way to climb up to God. Our only hope lies in movement from the other direction-God coming down to us. The Bible shows a God who reveals himself to his people in the Old Testament and by the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

Paul Wells
Paul Wells is emeritus professor of the Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix–en–Provence, France and editor of the international journal Unio Cum Christo. After working in France as a theological educator for many years, he now lives in Liverpool. He has published many books in French including a new translation of Calvin’s ‘Institutes’ in 2009 and more recently a two–volume theology.

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