Released in the UK January 2013
Released in the US March 2013
Trade paperback | 112 Pages
9781845507350 • £7.99 $10.99
BISAC – REL067000
The author reminds us that the devil operates on a worldwide scale as well as upon individuals. He traces the confusion and chaos of present–day society to the destructive work of satan and states that in a day where there is a renewed fascination with astrology, the occult, spiritism and ‘doctrines of devils’, to be aware of these evil powers, otherwise it will almost certainly mean that we will be defeated by them.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was born in Wales. He was a dairyman's assistant, a political enthusiast, debater, and chief clinical assistant to Sir Thomas Harder, the King's Physician. But at the age of 27 he gave up a most promising medical career to become a preacher. He had a far-reaching influence through his ministry at Westminster Chapel in London, England from 1938-68. His published works have had an unprecedented circulation, selling in millions of copies.
9781857923186 |
9781845507541 |
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"This powerful volume, Not Against Flesh and Blood, is a prime example of the power and enduring relevance of The Doctor's ministry. It is robustly biblical, thoroughly orthodox, spiritually urgent, and theologically sound. Beyond these qualities, the book stands out for its brave and timely consideration of spiritual warfare - one of the most timely concerns in the present hour of Christianity."
R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky