Released in the UK November 2012
Released in the US January 2013
Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781845507190 • £11.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL023000
Church discipline is a term that is fraught with problems for the church today. However from the Biblical witness it is clear that it is an essential component of a healthy, God–honoring church – a church where Christians grow and mature in grace and develop solid foundations with which they can, with the help of the Spirit, withstand the storms of life.
With many years of pastoral experience, Robert K. Cheong has faced this issue many times. Additionally he interviewed over 30 pastors from different countries and a wide variety of church settings.
Robert K. Cheong
Robert K. Cheong is the pastor responsible for Care and Counselling at Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky. He is married to Karen and they have three grown children.
9781527103047 |
9781527100879 |
9781527103856 |
9781527102101 |
I really appreciate Robert's clear and accurate description of God's heart in the discipline of his children. There is a deep love and compassion in how God pursues the hearts of men and women he has redeemed. I really appreciate how Robert speaks to the role of biblical community in God's redeeming of His bride through loving and redemptive discipline. It would be incredibly unloving for God to not correct His children and this work highlights the deep love of God through church discipline.
Lee Lewis
The Village Church, Fort Worth, Texas
The subject of church discipline is no walk in the park. People's lives hang in the balance. My friend Robert clearly shows that church discipline is an integral part of gospel centered ministry both theologically and practically. He provides a step by step guide so that the reader understands not only what discipline is but how to go about it. In the process, he gives us a model for the body of Christ ministering to one another in the grace, compassion, and humility characteristic of the gospel. This is a must read for every pastor.
Rob Green
Pastor of Counseling and Seminary Ministries, Faith Church, Lafayette, Indiana
I appreciate this book for three reasons. First, it's theologically rich, anchoring church discipline in the glorious drama of God's redeeming work. Second, it's pastorally wise, written by a seasoned shepherd who knows the joy and pain of leading and protecting the flock. And third, it's practically helpful - the appendices alone are worth the price of the book. Robert's work on this important subject is a gift to every gospel-loving church leader and church member.
Bob Thune
Co-author of The Gospel-Centered Life, Lead Pastor, Coram Deo Church Community, Omaha, Nebraska
...a treasure-trove of grace, wisdom, and gospel truths regarding the difficult topic of church discipline, drawn from a pastor's hard-earned experience with the reality of sin and the power of the gospel.
Justin S. Holcomb
Adjunct Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida