Released in the UK September 2012
Released in the US November 2012
Large trade paperback | 560 Pages
9781857927566 • £19.99 $34.99
BISAC – REL012050
What does the Bible teach about Divorce? May a Christian remarry during the lifetime of a divorced partner? With the increasing number of divorces and second marriages, such questions now touch every family and every church. Cornes addresses these and other questions in a comprehensive and balanced manner.
Cornes begins his book with a theology of marriage and singleness, examining all the significant Old and New Testament passages. He concentrates especially on the teaching of Jesus and the interpretation of that teaching by Paul and the early church.
The second part of the book discusses the implications of the biblical teaching of pastoral ministry in the local church, dealing with a host of real life questions in a practical way.
Andrew Cornes
Former director of training at All Souls, London and now pastor of All Saints Church, Crowborough, East Sussex.
9781781919071 |
9781527105386 |
9781527109667 |
9781527103382 |
...a balanced combination of biblical scholarship and practical experience, prophetic witness and pastoral wisdom, courage and compassion, truth and love. It will, I predict, ...become indispensable reading for everybody who is anxious to develop a Christian Mind on these topics.
John Stott
(1921-2011), Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, Langham Place, London
It takes us behind local or denominational concerns to face the clarity of Christ's own teaching. If that teaching often startled and changed his disciples, it may yet do so for us.
Christopher Idle
Hymn writer and Hon Assistant Minister, Holy Trinity Church, Bromley Common, London
'The book we have all been waiting for' and 'one of the great books of our day.'
Alec Motyer
(1924–2016) Well known Bible expositor and commentary writer
This is a challenging and stimulating book of great value to those in ministry who have responsibility for teaching about and being involved with situations of divorce and remarriage.
Dianne Tidball