Released in the UK September 2012
Released in the US November 2012


Pocket paperback | 112 Pages
9781845509644 • £5.99 $8.99

BISAC – REL012120


A Guide for Homesick Christians

Rebecca VanDoodewaard

In today's world, we relocate for many reasons, and can be multiple times over the years. While this is often adventurous and exciting, we're all vulnerable to a host of human feelings in the midst of the new and unfamiliar. And homesickness sets in.
From the well of her own life experiences, Rebecca VanDoodewaard offers practical guidance for those going through these life-changing experiences. Rebecca learnt that these times were often a catalyst for spiritual growth and reminded her of spiritual realities. It was an opportunity to meet new people, help others, practice hospitality and embrace new cultures.
Special sections address the unique needs of children, single adults and pastors' families affected by moving and also how you can help someone experiencing homesickness.

Rebecca VanDoodewaard
Rebecca VanDoodewaard is a freelance editor. Her husband William VanDoodewaard is ordained in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Until recently they blogged together at thechristianpundit.org

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