Released in the UK September 2012
Released in the US November 2012
Large trade paperback | 352 Pages
9781845509620 • £12.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL067030
It is so easy to voice the words: ‘Jesus is Lord’ but what does it mean to be under the rule of the one we confess to be Lord? For this to be our true confession it has to be lived out in our daily lives too. This lucid book provides a Biblical survey on the theme of God’s Lordship and how we can make this a living reality every day.
Terry Chrisope
Professor of History and Bible at Missouri Baptist College, St Louis, Missouri.
9781845503437 |
9781845501914 |
9781857925388 |
9781527107731 |
"Confessing Jesus as Lord is one of the most timely books to appear in a long time. We are surrounded by false Gospels, confused Gospels, and half Gospels. In this important book, Terry Chrisope lays out the authentic Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and clearly identifies what it means to confess Jesus as Lord. The most fundamental affirmation of the church is the lordship of Christ. This new book is both important and powerful."
R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky